Manipuri Indian Classical Dance

Manipuri is the classical dance from the north East Indian state of Manipur. The term Manipuri actually covers a number of dance forms from the region. The most important being the Ras Lilaand the Pung Cholom.

The traditional Manipuri dance style embodies delicate, lyrical and graceful movements. The aim is to make rounded movements and avoid any jerks, sharp edges or straight lines. It is this which gives Manipuri dance its undulating and soft appearance.

Movements of the body and feet and facial expressions in Manipuri dance are subtle and aim at devotion and grace.

The cult of Radha and Krishna, particularly the raslila, is central to its themes but the dances, unusually, incorporate the characteristic symbols (kartal or manjira) and double-headed drum (pung or Manipuri mridang) of sankirtan into the visual performance.

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