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Art Exhibition by Gina Iacovou & Kyriaki Theodorou

Έκθεση της Ginas Iacovou και της Κυριακής Θεοδώρου το Σάββατο στις 14/12/2019 από τις 19:30 – 23:00 στην Αποθήκη 79.
Είσοδος δωρεάν για όλους!

Art exhibition Gina’s Iacovou and Kyriaki’s Theodorou, Saturday, 14/12/2019, from 19:30 – 23:00 at Apothiki 79.
Free Entrance for everyone!

Kyriaki Theodorou

I am a Fashion Art Director, focusing on styling, illustration, collage and graphics. I am strongly influenced by cultural identity and heritage, as well as the links between clothing and personal memories. My work aims to embrace individuality, through distorting the regular image using varied approaches to styling, illustration and collage while using a variety of materials and processes in each project. I developed a real passion for working with different textures and creating images, using my creative skills.
Instagram: Kyriaki Theodorou
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Gina Iacovou

I am a Fine Artist, focusing on abstract painting and ceramics. My work contains aspects of the natural world, such as colors and textures.I have managed to capture the unspoiled look of nature by using a variety of materials and techniques. I am mostly influenced by my own personal interest in the environment.My aim is to simplify the beauty of the landscape I am surrounded by, as well as inspiring humanity to re-gain a greater awareness of our natural life.

Phone: 97843093
Instagram: @ochre_creations
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